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IMUSensorChannel Enumeration
The channel number of the IMU sensor.

Namespace: ESkin
Assembly: ESkinLib (in ESkinLib.dll) Version: (
public enum IMUSensorChannel
  Member nameValueDescription
ACCEL_X16 The channel number of the "ACCEL_X" sensor.
ACCEL_Y17 The channel number of the "ACCEL_Y" sensor.
ACCEL_Z18 The channel number of the "ACCEL_Z" sensor.
GYRO_X19 The channel number of the "GYRO_X" sensor.
GYRO_Y20 The channel number of the "GYRO_Y" sensor.
GYRO_Z21 The channel number of the "GYRO_Z" sensor.
MAG_X22 The channel number of the "MAG_X" sensor (currently not used).
MAG_Y23 The channel number of the "MAG_Y" sensor (currently not used).
MAG_Z24 The channel number of the "MAG_Z" sensor (currently not used).
See Also