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StrainSensorChannel Enumeration
The channel number of the strain sensor.

Namespace: ESkin
Assembly: ESkinLib (in ESkinLib.dll) Version: (
public enum StrainSensorChannel
  Member nameValueDescription
ELBOW_R0 The channel number of the "ELBOW_R" sensor.
ELBOW_L1 The channel number of the "ELBOW_L" sensor.
SHOULDER_R2 The channel number of the "SHOULDER_R" sensor.
SHOULDER_L3 The channel number of the "SHOULDER_L" sensor.
AXILLA_R4 The channel number of the "AXILLA_R" sensor.
AXILLA_L5 The channel number of the "AXILLA_L" sensor.
SCAPULA_R6 The channel number of the "SCAPULA_R" sensor.
SCAPULA_L7 The channel number of the "SCAPULA_L" sensor.
WRIST_R8 The channel number of the "WRIST_R" sensor.
WRIST_L9 The channel number of the "WRIST_L" sensor.
THORAX_R10 The channel number of the "THORAX_R" sensor.
THORAX_L11 The channel number of the "THORAX_L" sensor.
BACK_R12 The channel number of the "BACK_R" sensor.
BACK_L13 The channel number of the "BACK_L" sensor.
RESERVED114 The channel number of the "RESERVED1" sensor (currently not used).
RESERVED215 The channel number of the "RESERVED2" sensor (currently not used).
See Also