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UnityESkinSensor Methods

The UnityESkinSensor type exposes the following members.

Public methodFixedUpdate
Updates per fixed time.
Public methodGetCalibratedStrainValue(StrainSensorChannel)
Returns the calibrated value of the specified strain sensor. When the frame index is not specified, the index is zero.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetCalibratedStrainValue(StrainSensorChannel, Int32)
Returns the calibrated value of the specified strain sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetFilteredIMUValue(IMUSensorChannel)
Returns the filtered value of the specified IMU sensor. When the frame index is not specified, the index is zero.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetFilteredIMUValue(IMUSensorChannel, Int32)
Returns the filtered value of the specified IMU sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetFilteredStrainValue(StrainSensorChannel)
Returns the filtered value of the specified strain sensor. When the frame index is not specified, the index is zero.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetFilteredStrainValue(StrainSensorChannel, Int32)
Returns the filtered value of the specified strain sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetIMUValue(IMUSensorChannel)
Returns the value of the specified IMU sensor. When the frame index is not specified, the index is zero.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetIMUValue(IMUSensorChannel, Int32)
Returns the value of the specified IMU sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetMinMaxRange(IMUSensorChannel)
Returns the range of values of the specified IMU sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetMinMaxRange(StrainSensorChannel)
Returns the range of values of the specified strain sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetPairingDevices
Returns the array of existing port names or device names associated with bluetooth devices.
(Overrides ESkinSensor.GetPairingDevices().)
Public methodGetStrainSensorRange
Returns the range of values of strain sensors for calibration.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetStrainValue(StrainSensorChannel)
Returns the value of the specified strain sensor. When the frame index is not specified, the index is zero.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodGetStrainValue(StrainSensorChannel, Int32)
Returns the value of the specified strain sensor.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodIsSetStrainSensorRange
Gets whether the range of values of the strain sensor for calibration is set.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodLoadConfiguration
Loads configurations.
Public methodOnDestroy
The process when terminated.
Public methodSaveConfiguration
Saves configurations.
Public methodSetHubName
Set the name of e-skin Hub after stop communicating. An exception may occur.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodSetStrainSensorRange
Sets the range of values of the strain sensor for calibration. An exception may occur.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodStart()
Starts reception from sensors. An exception may occur.
(Overrides ESkinSensor.Start().)
Public methodStart(FramePerSecond)
Starts reception from sensors. An exception may occur.
(Overrides ESkinSensor.Start(FramePerSecond).)
Public methodStartCalibrationForBoth
Starts calibration with changing the maximum and minimum values.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodStartCalibrationForMax
Starts calibration with changing the maximum value.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodStartCalibrationForMin
Starts calibration with changing the minimum value.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodStop
Stops reception from sensors.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodStopCalibration
Stops calibration.
(Inherited from ESkinSensor.)
Public methodUpdateGyroOrigin
Updates the Gyro Origin.
See Also